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Evy Y. Parkinson Founder & Teacher.
Becoming Writer/Author.
Woman, Healer.
Former Transformational Therapist & Hypnotherapist.

Welcome to this space which has been created for you to find the change and healing you have been looking for.

My purpose here is to help as many people as possible to heal and to be able to live a healthier and happier life in the most natural way possible.
Many years ago I had a profession in dentistry. I was a dental ceramist, and later on I inherited my father's Dental Lab. 

I was the Owner, Director and Ceramist of the business for over a year which allowed me to make money, pay for my psychology degree and other courses related to psychology/therapeutic modalities.

The money was "very good" but I was totally unhappy doing something I did not love.


There were so many times were I would burst into tears with feelings of frustration and even desperation in the middle of my work, asking myself "why am I doing this? I can't do this anymore...."

To then, remember why I was doing it.  I was doing it to pay for my studies and training to do what I actually WANTED. 

That dentistry profession was allowing me to pay for many things that were preparing me and helping me get to the place where I wanted, which it was to be a therapist/psychologist.
After I completed my BSc. in Psychology. I literally sold every equipment from the lab, say "good bye and thank you" to all my dentists clients and jumped into my first Hypnotherapist Certificate training in Florida, USA. 

It was a leap of faith and a big financial change and challenge.  As I was starting a new career as a self employed therapist/hypnotherapist, it took some time to start getting clients and start making money. 

I spent all my savings in my studies and life expenses while I was doing that. 

Then, I was blessed enough that my parents could support me with some financial help while I was starting my own business from 0...

I always knew it was a big risk. But if you don't jump and take some risks by leaving your comfort zone for the things you truly love, then you will never win things that truly matter to your heart.  
The level of reward that you feel when you are doing what you truly love has no comparison to whatever amount of money you can earn doing something you don't love.

That was the beginning of my career as a therapist/healer, and I haven't stopped learning, developing new skills and growing.
I also chose to learn from observing different cultures, traveling and interacting with people from different backgrounds and lifestyles.
I have lived, studied and worked in Venezuela, Trinidad & Tobago, Qatar, Florida and Barcelona, Spain...  And traveled to many other places.
The choice to ALSO learn from moving and traveling, has given me the type of experience you don't get in academic settings.
It has given me a broader understanding of humans, their behavior, their energy , their mental states and emotions.

​I was born in Venezuela and lived there until I was 19yrs old, thus I am fluent in both English and Spanish and I offer therapy in both languages.

​I have been practicing the Martial Art of Tai Chi & Qigong since 2010 and it is a major influence on how I maintain my overall health, how I treat my clients and how I customize the therapy. 

This practice has taught me what MINDFULNESS REALLY IS & The Power of Being PRESENT.

I am a book lover and a writer.

My first book is Mindful Eating - Connect to your Body Through Awareness -.  You can get your FREE Copy
You can also find various articles here on the
Blog where you can get insights and helpful tips for YOUR PATH.
I am also an activist when it comes to raising Consciousness & Awareness about the way we treat each other and the Planet.
Earth is our HOME.  Home to ALL living things -

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Y de las cenizas
Surge el fénix
Mágico, más fuerte que nunca
Una vez más...
- EYP -

Certificaciones y experiencia de estudio

Máster en Hipnoterapia Clínica, Licenciado en Psicología, Practicante de EFT, practicante de Tai Chi y Qigong, practicante de Mindfulness, Asistente Certificado en Shiatsu.
Autodidacta, Desarrollo Personal constante, Observación y Estudio de la Mente Humana, Emociones y Comportamiento durante más de 15 años.

Graduado de:
UWI Trinidad y Tobago, 2009
Instituto Awakenings. Estados Unidos, 2012
Universidad Internacional Atlántica. Estados Unidos, 2013
El Instituto de Hipnoterapia de Florida. Estados Unidos, 2013
Escuela Oficial de Hipnosis. España, 2015
Escuela de Shiatsu de Barcelona. España, 2015
Instituto de Tai Chi de Trinidad y Tobago, 2017

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Acerca de Harmoniousi nfinity

"El nombre Harmoniousinfinity se creó conectando dos palabras: Harmonious e Infinity. Cuando esas dos palabras se conectan, la palabra" Sinfin "se forma dentro de las dos." Sin fin "significa infinito en español. Tan pronto como vi la palabra en español contenida en los otros dos, Y con ese significado, se tomó la decisión, así se creó el nombre.
La filosofía de Harmoniousinfinity es encontrar y mantener un equilibrio armonioso entre los aspectos físicos y no físicos de nuestra vida. Como nuestros lados mental, emocional y físico están conectados, se afectan entre sí. Deben establecerse en una relación sana para que podamos crear un centro inmóvil dentro de nosotros mismos con el que todo lo que está fuera de nosotros pueda relacionarse.
Encontrar armonía entre estos tres aspectos es un proceso continuo. No es fácil y no sucede de la noche a la mañana, por eso tenemos que cuidarnos por completo para crear y mantener nuestra propia armonía y una relación sana con nosotros mismos. Cuando aplicamos esta perspectiva en terapia, podemos tratar a la persona como un SER humano completo (Mente-Cuerpo-Emociones). La persona es tratada como un individuo único al adaptar la terapia a sus condiciones y necesidades específicas.

-Puede obtener una visión de Harmoniousinfinity consultando este artículo sobre

Harmoniousinfinity & Stress en la revista SCA (Stress Coaching Association).

Values of Harmoniousinfinity
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