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Physical & Spiritual

Vision & Mission

- Harmonizing the Spiritual & Physical qualities of Oneself.


- Living in Harmony with the Natural World.


- Embracing our Physical Nature and our Spiritual Nature as a Whole Human Being.


- Using our Heart & Intuition as well as our brain & rationality to Act.


- Honoring, respecting and taking care of Mother Earth and its beings.


- Love, Peace, Freedom and Health are priorities before material gains.


- Truth is the base of our guidance.


Acerca de Harmoniousi nfinity

"El nombre Harmoniousinfinity se creó conectando dos palabras: Harmonious e Infinity. Cuando esas dos palabras se conectan, la palabra" Sinfin "se forma dentro de las dos." Sin fin "significa infinito en español. Tan pronto como vi la palabra en español contenida en los otros dos, Y con ese significado, se tomó la decisión, así se creó el nombre.
La filosofía de Harmoniousinfinity es encontrar y mantener un equilibrio armonioso entre los aspectos físicos y no físicos de nuestra vida. Como nuestros lados mental, emocional y físico están conectados, se afectan entre sí. Deben establecerse en una relación sana para que podamos crear un centro inmóvil dentro de nosotros mismos con el que todo lo que está fuera de nosotros pueda relacionarse.
Encontrar armonía entre estos tres aspectos es un proceso continuo. No es fácil y no sucede de la noche a la mañana, por eso tenemos que cuidarnos por completo para crear y mantener nuestra propia armonía y una relación sana con nosotros mismos. Cuando aplicamos esta perspectiva en terapia, podemos tratar a la persona como un SER humano completo (Mente-Cuerpo-Emociones). La persona es tratada como un individuo único al adaptar la terapia a sus condiciones y necesidades específicas.

-Puede obtener una visión de Harmoniousinfinity consultando este artículo sobre

Harmoniousinfinity & Stress en la revista SCA (Stress Coaching Association).

Values of Harmoniousinfinity

If You resonate with this Vision & Mission and/or want to be part of it.

We invite you to subscribe

Subscribers will always have priority on sales, special events, new information, videos and valuable content as well as a Free copy of my Mindful Eating E-book.-3rd edition.

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Welcome to this Healing Space.


My name is Evy Y. Parkinson,  I am the founder of Harmoniousinfinity and former Therapist.

In February 2024 I began a transformation and transition into being a full time Writer and Teacher, leaving behind the title of "therapist".


I am now teaching my clients how to heal themselves.  HOW to navigate the sometimes very painful and tricky moments of healing and/or awakening.

I am now helping you to help yourself.  By giving you the self-help tools, the support and the knowledge that I have gathered as a therapist for over 10 years, and from personal experience going through my own healing and awakening process.


I have also opened the space for more collaborations and to work with some colleagues and professional partners who are also in the Holistic Health / Healing field, as well as guest writers for the Blog / Writers Corner.


Right now we are TWO professionals offering Workshops, 1 on 1 sessions, Yoga classes, and in conversation with others who also want to be part and collaborate with this Space.


We are here to support and help you in your walk, your Personal & Spiritual Growth, and your REAL HEALING



Watch "How to Really Heal" - 3 Parts Video - to get a better idea of what and how is my approach.


Also check out ABOUT US to know a bit more about both of us.


Your Human experience should go side by side with your Spiritual experience.  We are both and One at the same time.

And that is one thing that I have found that people are getting confused about.


- There is too much confusing information in the world right now.  And for the one that is seeking REAL healing, guidance and self-realization can be even more confusing and counter productive. -


For you to find what works for you, including who can actually help you, you need to have a degree of self-knowledge and trust in your intuition.


I invite you to subscribe to our mailing list so you can stay connected and receive valuable information as soon as it is out.


If you want to have a video call with me to find out more details, how I can help with whatever is happening in your life at the moment, and get your customized assessment. 


Please book your First Consultation.

Next & Last Workshop for Women of 2024!.png
Healing and Self discovery
Adéntrate en el fuego del autodescubrimiento.
Este fuego no te quemará, solo quemará lo que no eres - Mooji -

Evy Y. Parkinson

Founder & Teacher

I am announcing my retirement of the "Therapist" Title on February 2024.


I have been a Therapist for 11 years now. Along these years I have been writing articles and poetry, providing workshops, my Mindful Eating Program and Mindfulness & Qigong classes as well...


I have learnt so much from all those years as a Therapist and I am infinitely grateful for each one of my clients.

However, this year I am retiring from the title of "Therapist".

I am being pulled into being a full time teacher and writer.

I will still provide Workshops and classes, writings, books, and a bit further in the near future, Retreats.


I will keep teaching and passing on all the information and knowledge I have to help you Learn How to heal yourself, How to be Your own Master.

(Not a master OVER Others).


A master and a leader in your own life and How to be the most authentic YOU.

How to trust and believe in yourself, and in your intuition.


Helping you to reconnect with who you truly are inside, and in that way you will find your answers.

Because no one can tell you what your life should look like, and no one can tell you who YOU ARE or who you are meant to be.

Only You Have those answers in You.


I will help you learn How to Know yourself, Heal Yourself and Love Yourself. For REAL.

You will have a strong foundation to keep navigating life challenges in a better and healthier way. Feeling secure and trusting yourself.

Feeling free to be who you are and independent from any control game that can come from the outside.


I am also an activist when it comes to raising Consciousness and Awareness about the way we treat our Planet and each other.
Earth is our HOME. Home to ALL living things -

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Do you have questions for Evy about Self-healing, Personal Growth & Spiritual Growth?

Are you looking for the "right fit" to support yourself in your Next step of Personal & Spiritual Growth or Healing / Awakening?


Do you want to live a Freer Life?

Be Your Authentic Self and Live a life that feels True to You?


Do you want to live in Purpose and help those around you as you walk your own Path?


Do you want to be part of the creation of a Healthier, Happier, more Harmonious and Peaceful World?

Awakening and Consciousness

Quien mira fuera de los sueños. Quien mira adentro, DESPIERTA - Carl Jung

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"I went into my sessions with Evy without much expectation.

I was open to whatever she had to provide based on her impressive variety of experience and training.


What I found was an experience of depth from the very first session.


I gained clarity and information from the first session around topics in my life that I didn't even expect to explore. I am more aware of some of the deeper roots to some of my patterns and the active changes I can make in day to day life.


I highly recommend Evy's sessions." ​

Simone DaCosta

-Mind.Body Psychotherapist

Trinidad, W.I

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"I connected to Evy when I was seeking a soul who simply knew . She is very experienced and is walking and living the journey of self discovery and is extremely aware of the process of becoming and connecting with source . 

She is honest , direct and caring and guides you through this tough, complicated and complex process . She is an excellent support to ensure you don’t journey alone , because it can seem so lonely and taxing .


She is there for you all the way . 

Melissa Pascal

Trinidad, W.I

Trinidad and Tobago Nature Therapy

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